LEG 4.

It seems a long time since I last supported a BG, longer still since my own, though the Wasdale fells that dominate leg 4 remain as familiar as they ever were. It is arguably the hardest of the five legs, at least if running clockwise, and for many aspirants, a daunting prospect.

As always, it was a privilege to support an attempt and accompanied by Dave and Will Walker, despite the ‘aspirant’s’ suffering, a pleasure to see Dave Motley in to Honister and on to a successful Round.

It might not have been as fast as he had hoped, but then I have always felt that such a focus is only ever one small part of any attempt and seeing others inspired by the determination to continue when things get rough, is reward for supporters and contenders alike.

What a shame though that the dubious practice of setting stone markers, arrows and cairns on the route seems to be growing. It is unnecessary, at odds with the ethos of the Round, and frankly, rather lame. I scattered the stones of three such markers on leg 4, others having done the same recently on leg 1 in particular.

There is precious little mystery that remains for those who aspire to complete the BG, and perhaps if we are unwilling to accept the challenge the round offers, we should leave it for those who are.


The forge
