The Cuillin Ridge has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. I’ve traversed it in sections and its entirety, many times over and still the magic never fades. Towards the end of the summer, with a fast attempt at the full traverse in mind, I’d spent a couple of days recceing. The previous day had been one of the most humid I’d ever known on the hill and with one morning left, I opted for a short run, focusing on Bidean Drium nan Ramh (which was where the first attempt at a full traverse ended after any number of route finding errors), and the ridge to either side. I left the camera in the car without thinking. Predictably, the hours that followed were among the most spectacular I have experienced on the ridge and equally predictably, the phone camera proved woefully lacking. A few days later I fractured my ankle on Beinn Eighe, putting an end to any aspirations as far as The Cuillin was concerned, for this year at least.